The Very Creatively Titled Story: Part 12

Hello everyone! Here is the very last part of our story! ~Savy and Ally


Part 12: Normal, Eccentric People

5 years later


“I’m home, Mom!” Ten-year-old Ava cried, as she barged through the front door and threw her books on the entryway table.

“In the kitchen!” Emily called from the other room. Ava walked into the kitchen, and went straight for the refrigerator, where she grabbed an apple.

“How was school, honey?” Emily questioned, as she cut carrots to put in that night’s dinner.

“Fine. What are you making?” Asked Ava, as she sniffed at the pot on the stove.

“Stew. Uncle Sam and Aunt Zoey are coming over for dinner.” Emily dumped a plate of chopped carrots into the stew.

“Where’s Dad?” Ava wanted to know.

“He’s in the backyard with Ben.” Ava gave Emily a quick hug, and skipped towards the back door. Emily watched her little family through the kitchen window. Ava chattered to Nathaniel, as she swung on the swing. Three-year-old Ben was stuffing leaves into his mouth, as he toddled around the yard. Emily cringed, hopefully those wouldn’t make him sick later. Emily reflected on the past five years. She had married Nathaniel four years ago, and Sam had married Zoey six months after the arrest. They had a daughter that was Ben’s age, and a one-year-old son named Danny. She had just recently seen on the news that the professor had been found guilty of the other two murders. It was amazing really, how well they had all recovered from the murders. Just then the doorbell rang, breaking her reverie.


They sat around the dinner table, joking and teasing like normal people. No one would ever have guessed that five years earlier they had all gone through a traumatizing, life changing experience.

“Come on, Maddie. Open your mouth and take bite. Please!” Sam begged, while trying to get his three-year-old daughter to eat a bite of green beans. She shook her head vehemently. “The green beans are good for you, they’ll make you grow big.” He tried to reason with her. Emily chuckled.

“Good to know you’ve become better at recognizing the proper food to give kids, Sam. Remember the time you gave Ava cake and cheetos for dinner?”

Sam made a face, “Yeah, I remember.”

“Did you really do that, Sam?” Zoey asked incredulously. He nodded, and Nate laughed.

“Even I know better than to give a little kid cake and cheetos for dinner. The worst I’ve ever done is ice cream for lunch, at least that has calcium.”

“The cake had some fiber in it, I’m sure.”  Sam argued, as if that somehow made it better. The whole table had a good laugh over this, at Sam’s expense. “Hey, at least I had the guts to actually ask my wife out on our first date! Unlike someone else I know!”

“He didn’t have to, it was a blind date!” Emily defended Nathaniel.

“Except that you knew who you were going out with, Em.” Sam pointed out.

“It’s not like I would ever guess in a million years that you would set me up with your best friend!” Emily said sarcastically.

“Actually, I’m not the one who set you up with Nate.”

Emily gave him a quizzical look, “What do you mean?”

“Ask Nathaniel.” Sam said, pointing to his friend.


“Well… I kind of… what I mean is…”

“He paid me to set you two up on a blind date.” Sam interrupted.

“Sam! I can’t believe you charged your best friend to set him up with your sister!” Zoey admonished.

“It’s not my fault he’s such a sucker! He was willing to pay, and I was willing to take the money. It was a fair deal.”

“How much did you pay?” Emily asked.

At this point Nathaniel’s face was turning bright red with guilt and cowardliness, “Uh, $50.00.”

“Well, at least now I know I’m worth $50.00 to you.” Emily chuckled.

Sam snorted, “Yeah, that was before he had to live with you everyday. Now he knows what you’re really worth!” Zoey gave him a playful slap, and the rest of the evening was filled with joking and laughing.


    That evening, after Zoey and Sam’s family had gone home, Nate tucked the kids into bed, while Emily enjoyed a cup of tea in the kitchen. She had brought her photo album with her, and decided to look at the pictures. She smiled when she saw the first photo was of her and Ross’s wedding day. Her dress was terribly outdated today, and her hair was in a bad perm, but she looked young and radiant. She was smiling at Ross in the picture. She flipped through a few more pages of wedding pictures, but paused when she reached a picture of Ross holding Ava. Ava was only a few hours old, and was sound asleep. She was snuggled in Ross’s hands, red and tiny. Emily smiled, and turned the page. What she saw made her laugh, it was a picture of Ava on her first birthday. She was happily dumping her birthday cake on her head. There were several baby pictures of Ava; Ava taking her first steps, Ava riding piggyback on Ross’s shoulder, and Ava splashing in the kiddy pool. Emily reached a photograph of a coffin with a bouquet of roses on it, and almost cried. It was Ross’s coffin. She turned the page quickly, and saw that the next photograph was of her and Zoey. They were making funny faces at the camera. The pic had been taken a few weeks after Zoey had been kidnapped, and her face was still pretty bruised in the photo. Emily took a deep breath, and a tear slid down her cheek. That had been such a difficult time, one she didn’t wish to relive. The next picture was taken at Zoey and Sam’s wedding, they were cutting the cake and laughing. They looked so happy, none of the strain of the past year showed on their faces. Emily turned the page, and saw a photograph of her and Nathaniel’s wedding.  They were standing in front of the church, and Ava was with them. Emily smiled, it had been such a pretty wedding. In the next pic, they were all sitting on a hospital bed. They were focused on one-day-old Ben; Emily looked exhausted, Nate seemed deliriously happy, and Ava appeared to be the proud older sister that she was. Emily skipped to the back of the album, and saw the most recent picture. It had been taken just a month earlier, and was a photo of their family, with Sam and Zoey’s clan. Emily stared at the last picture and sighed with contentment. Life was good.

The End

The 14 Days of Homeschool

Day 16:

Today I would like to share the lyrics to “The Fourteen Days of Homeschool” with you, it is a fun twist on a classic Christmas song!

The Fourteen Days of Homeschool

Day One: Can you homeschool legally?
Day Two: Are they socialized?
Day Three: Do you give them tests?
Day Four: What about P.E.?
Day Six: How long will you homeschool?
Day Seven: Look at what they’re missing!
Day Eight: Why do you do this?
Day Nine: They’ll miss the prom!
Day Ten: What about graduation?
Day Eleven: I could never do that!
Day Twelve: Can they go to college?

Fed up, the homeschooling mom replies…

“On the thirteenth day of homeschool I thoughtfully replied: ‘They Can go to college, yes you can do this, they can have graduation, we don’t like the prom, we do it ’cause we like it, they are missing nothing, we’ll homeschool forever, WE ARE NOT STRANGE!, We give them P.E., and we give them tests, they are socialized, AND WE HOMESCHOOL LEGALLY!’”

… the neighbor is suddenly excited …

“On the fourteenth day of homeschool my neighbor said to me, ‘How can I get started, why didn’t you tell me, where do I buy curriculum, when is the next conference, WILL PEOPLE THINK WE’RE STRANGE? I think we can do this, if you will help us, we’ll join a sports team, and we’ll homeschool legally.’”


I do not know who originally wrote this song, and could not find a solid answer online, but regardless it’s a great song. We sang it at a co-op Christmas party a few years ago, although we changed some of the lyrics. Also, here is the video of different group doing it! Enjoy! (If you receive our email post you will not be able to see the video from the email.)



Obviously, this video is a little old, but it was the best I could find.





Totally Awesome Christmas Movie Quotes

Day 15

I am tired of intros. Let’s just get to the good stuff.



A Christmas Story


Ralphie: Oooh fuuudge!
Ralphie as Adult: [narrating] Only I didn’t say “Fudge.” I said THE word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the “F-dash-dash-dash” word!
Mr. Parker: What did you say?
Ralphie: Uh, um…
Mr. Parker: That’s… what I thought you said. Get in the car. Go on!
Ralphie as Adult: [narrating] It was all over – I was dead. What would it be? The guillotine? Hanging? The chair? The rack? The Chinese water torture? Hmmph. Mere child’s play compared to what surely awaited me.

Randy: Meatloaf, smeatloaf, double-beatloaf. I hate meatloaf.
The Old Man: All right, I’ll get that kid to eat. Where’s my screw driver and my plumber’s helper? I’ll open up his mouth and I’ll shove it in.

Mother: Ralphie, you’re lucky it didn’t cut your eye! Those icicles have been known to kill people.





Buddy: “I’m sorry I ruined your lives, and crammed eleven cookies into the VCR.”

Emily: We can’t just throw him out in the snow.
Walter: Why not? He loves the snow. He’s told me 15 times.

Santa: That’s another thing… Buddy you should know that your father… he’s on the naughty list.
Buddy: Nooooo!

Walter: [whispering] I think we should call security.
Deb: [whispering] Good idea.
Buddy: [whispering] I like to whisper too!


It’s a Wonderful Life


George Bailey: What is it you want, Mary? What do you want? You want the moon? Just say the word and I’ll throw a lasso around it and pull it down. Hey. That’s a pretty good idea. I’ll give you the moon, Mary.                                       Mary: I’ll take it. Then what?                                                                                                                                                           George Bailey: Well, then you can swallow it, and it’ll all dissolve, see… and the moonbeams would shoot out of your fingers and your toes and the ends of your hair… am I talking too much?

George Bailey: Isn’t it wonderful? I’m going to jail!

George Bailey: Now, come on, get your clothes on, and we’ll stroll up to my car and get… Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll stroll. You fly.
Clarence: I can’t fly! I haven’t got my wings.
George Bailey: You haven’t got your wings. Yeah, that’s right.


– Savy

5 Ways Netflix is like Santa Claus

Day 12!


Have you ever thought about the ways Netflix is like Santa Claus? Today I would like to share with you the top five ways Santa Claus and Netflix are similar.


1. They know when you’ve been sleeping, they know when you’re awake!

Have you ever been up late at night and no matter how hard you try, you just can’t fall asleep? What was your first reaction? For many people it’s to creep downstairs and turn on Netflix. (Since finding a DVD to watch is way to much trouble that late at night!) Hence, Netflix knows when you’ve been sleeping, and they know when you’re awake. Santa knows because of his magic snow globe, which is actually kind of creepy if you think about it.


2. They know if you’ve been bad or good!


So be good for goodness sake! Netflix knows when you’ve been very good and when you’ve been very bad. They know when you’ve been misbehaving by the movies you watch.


3. They know what you like and what you don’t like!

They always know exactly what you want because they have your lists! And they check it twice!


4. They both wear red suits with white trimming!

See the similarities in style? Although, Santa’s is a little bigger and jollier than Netflix’s outfit.


5. You never see Santa or the people who make the magic of Netflix happen!

Maybe the Netflix people are Santa Claus! Mmmm…. Interesting theory. I’ll have to give that some more thought!


Merry Christmas! ~Ally




Very Creatively Titled Story: Part 11

Hello everyone! Here’s part 11 of our story! Enjoy!!! ~Savy and Ally


Part 11: The Rescue


When Emily got back to the car, she called Nathaniel. She told him everything that had happened, and where to find them.

“Okay, I’ll be there in five minutes. Wait for me at the car.” She agreed, and they said good-bye. She waited anxiously for the next five minutes, before he finally got there. He came with what appeared to be the entire police force.

“Where are they, Em?” He asked, and she led them to the guest house. There was a loud crash inside, and the sound of a gun shots. “Alright, Emily, you need to go back, and wait at the car. Thanks for showing us where to find them.”

“I’m not leaving!”

Nathaniel opened his mouth to argue, when suddenly a scream sounded from the house.


Nathaniel motioned to his men to surround the building, and saw that Sam was already stationed next to a window, watching everything that was going on inside. Emily followed closely behind and watched everything from hiding. Nate knocked heavily on the door, and called out, “Mr. Fitzwilliam and Mr. Wheaton, this is Sheriff Briggs! Open this door immediately!”

“Hell is empty and all the devils are here!” The Professor screamed out, quoting Shakespeare yet again. Nate shook the door, but it would not open.

“We have the house surrounded! Open the door!”

“No!” Toby’s panicked voice screamed from inside. Nathaniel motioned to his men to come help him with the door. It took three men to break the door down. When the door fell, a shot rang out and one of the officers was hit in his right arm. He cried out in pain and clutched his arm, as Toby tried to break through a window and escape. Sam grabbed Toby as he scrambled out the window and dragged him back inside. Nathaniel nabbed the Professor and both men were disarmed. Emily peeked through the door and hurried in when she saw it was safe. She rushed towards Zoey when she saw her bruised and bleeding face. She untied her before embracing her in a tight hug. Zoey started sobbing and Emily and Sam helped her to the car. It was over, it was really and truly over.


The next evening, Nathaniel, Sam, Zoey, and Emily sat around a table drinking coffee and discussing the case. Zoey’s face was still bruised, but had been cleaned and stitched up.

“But why did they want to kill me, Nate?” Emily asked.

“Toby confessed everything. From what we learned, it looks like Toby Wheaton was responsible for the death of Sophie Cole, the woman Ross saw by the river. He then murdered Ross in attempt to cover up for his original crime. When he realized you hadn’t died in the accident, he knew he had to find you. He didn’t know how much you remembered about the accident or what Ross had told you about the woman at the river. Apparently, he’s been tracking you for the past three years. You can imagine his joy at discovering you worked for his estranged uncle, and was all to happy to repair that relationship.”

“What about the Professor?” Zoey wanted to know.

“The Professor met Toby when he came here looking for you. They became close friends, and Toby told the Professor about his plans to murder you. The Professor has been insane for years. Eight years ago, a girl from one of his classes was found dead in her home. Foul play was suspected, but no one was ever able to prove it. Six years before that, another one of his students was murdered on her way home for work, but once again no suspects were caught. The police are re-opening both cases.” Nate took a sip of his coffee.

“Wait a minute! You said that Toby was responsible for the car chase, but how can that be? The night he chased me, I was coming home from his uncle’s party. I had seen him ten minutes before I was almost ran off the road.” Emily was becoming very confused.

“He left right after you did, and followed you at a good distance, until he felt it was safe to run you off the road. His truck was parked in the garage so you wouldn’t see it. And that wasn’t the only time he tried to murder you that night.” He told her calmly.

“It wasn’t? But when did he…” Her voice faded away, as she tried to think back to the party.

“No, in fact the entire party was planned so he could have an opportunity to poison you.”

“Poison me?!” She screeched.

“Yeah, but he never really had the opportunity to poison you without poisoning the other guests. That is, until you complained of a headache.” Suddenly, it dawned on Emily.

“He offered me medicine.” She remembered.

“Exactly.”  Nate nodded.

“But what about the threats?” Sam asked. “Who broke into the house?”

“The Professor, as far as we can tell. At least, that’s what Toby is claiming, and he’s admitted everything else so far. The Professor himself, isn’t admitting to anything.”

“We were all so wrong about him.” Zoey commented.

“Yeah.” Nate agreed. “He is insane, but in a very sick and twisted way. He’s an evil genius in some ways. We never would have discovered it was him if he had been nearly as careful covering his tracks as he was when he murdered those two college students.” They were all silent for a few moments, lost in thought. Finally, Emily spoke,

“Now what?”

“Now we go back to living our normal lives, a life without fear.” Sam said. Zoey gave a humorless laugh.

“Normal life? Is that even possible after you’ve gone through something like this? People were murdered, I was kidnapped, and Emily lived in constant fear for weeks. Nothing will ever be like it was again. I don’t think it’s even possible.”

“Only by the grace of God.” Nathaniel said quietly, and there was a soft murmur of agreement from everyone at the table.


Little-Known Christmas Songs

Day 10!

Hello peoples! Today I’d like to share five of my favorite little-known Christmas songs! All of these songs are magical and special in there own way, but you may not have heard of them, so I would like to share them with you!

1.  The Happy Elf by Harry Connick Jr.

This is one of my all time favorite Christmas songs. I love the happy and up beat tune!

2. Strange Way to Save the World by 4Him

This song is absolutely beautiful!

3. Breath of Heaven by Amy Grant

Such a sweet song!

4. Welcome to Our World by Chris Rice

For some reason the title always makes me think of aliens, but I love this song anyway.

5. While You Were Sleeping by Casting Crowns

I’m not quite sure this counts as a Christmas song, but it’s on their Christmas CD.

If you’re very familiar with Christian music, you’ve probably already heard of these, but if you’re not I hope you’ve learned some new Christmas songs!

“The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!” ~Buddy the Elf


Christmas Crafting

Day 8:

For today’s advent post I would like to share with you several holiday crafts I found on the internet.


We did this once for a church Christmas party! Here’s the link:


I love the bright colors they used for these trees! We’re doing this craft right now, and it’s turning out great!


You may not want to eat this candy cane, but it sure is cute!


I soooo want to do this!


These are so elegant and pretty!


Bottle cap snowmen!


Isn’t this an awesome idea!


Wouldn’t these make an adorable gift for a younger child?


I hope you have a blast crafting this holiday season! Make sure you let me know in the comments how your homemade Christmas crafts turn out! ~Ally



Christmas Book Review!

Day 6!

“Somehow, in the weakness of a baby born in a lowly stable, the power of the almighty had come to earth. It was a mystery that would occupy my mind on many nights as I nursed God’s Son and kissed his tiny face.” That was quote from one of my favorite Christmas books, “A Bethlehem Christmas” by Charles Swindoll. I read this book every year, and would highly recommend to anyone looking for a good Christmas story to curl up with! The book tells the story of Jesus’s birth and the events that led up to the monumental moment when Christ entered the world as a human. “A Bethlehem Christmas” is divided into three parts, and is told from three different perspectives. The first part is the Christmas story told from Mary’s perspective. She tells us of the fear and joy she felt when the angel announced that she was going to be the mother of the long awaited Messiah. She describes her wonder at holding the savior of the world in her arms. The second part is the story told from Joseph’s viewpoint. His horror at discovering Mary’s pregnancy; his internal battle between justice and mercy. His joy over the angels visit, and his deep, unrelenting faith in God’s plan for mankind. The third part is Gabriel telling the story. This is perhaps the most interesting part of the story, as he describes his conversation with God, and his confusion over God’s unexpected plan. He marvels over God’s love and grace for a sinful world. This book is a wonderful book to read out loud as a family! It is clear the author gave the story careful thought. It is very biblically based, and while there are few added details, it does not change the Bible at all. It brings Jesus’s birth alive for the reader, and makes you feel as if you are there watching the events play out. I would suggest this book to anyone looking for a relaxing, but meaningful book! ~Ally


The Very Creatively Titled Story: Part 10

Hello minions! Here is part 10 of our story! O Proud Death! ~Savy and Ally

Part 10: O Proud Death!

“Emily, are you sure?” Sam asked from the other end of the line.

“Yes, Sam we have to go to his house! It’s the same handwriting. I’m positive! He has her, I’m sure of it.” Emily was near panic.

“Alright, I’ll track down his address, and we can drive out to his house. If she’s there we’ll tell the police.” He answered.

“Please, hurry. Who know’s what he’ll do to her?” She pleaded.

“I will, Emily. Trust me, I’m worried too.” Emily could hear his concern.

“Alright, I just dropped off Ava at the daycare. I’ll be there in ten minutes to pick you up. Please, have the address by then!” Her tone was urgent.

“I will, I promise.”

“See you then.” She hung up, and started her car. She had to find Zoey, and soon. The clock was ticking.


Emily honked her horn, and waited for Sam to come out of the police station. Within a few moments he was hurrying towards the car. Emily unlocked the doors, and he slid into the passenger seat.

“Did you find it?” She asked.

“Yeah, here it is.” He handed her a piece of paper. Professor Henry Fitzwilliam, 69796 Rosewood Ave.

“It’s just so shocking.” She murmured, as she stared at the name and address. “He seemed like such nice, older gentleman.”

“Yeah.” Sam agreed, as he typed the address into his GPS. “A real wolf in sheeps clothing.” Emily nodded in agreement.

“Alright, it’s programmed into the GPS. Let’s roll.” Sam said, and Emily pulled out of the parking lot, as the GPS gave her the first of the directions.


They parked a little ways from the long driveway, that led up to the Professor’s house. It was more like a mansion, really. It was a giant victorian style home, with large bay windows, chipped grey paint, a widow’s walk, and a chandelier they could see through the front window. The house was surrounded by several acres of rose bushes and trees. The grounds had an almost spooky feel to them. They snuck quietly around to the back of the house, and peeked through the kitchen window. The house appeared empty. They went around the house, looking through all of the windows for any sign of life.

“They could be upstairs.” Emily whispered to Sam.

“Maybe.” He answered. “But how can we know for sure?” He looked for a way to get into the house without being discovered. The found the bathroom window was unlocked. Sam climbed through the window first, then helped Emily climb into the small powder room.  Sam drew a revolver out of his waistband. He motioned to Emily to follow closely behind him. She did as he instructed. He opened the door a crack, and took a peek into the hallway.

“Coast is clear.” He told her in a hushed voice. “Stay behind me, and be very quiet.” They crept down the hallway, and checked the entire downstairs for life. It was empty. Then they tiptoed up the stairs, they were halfway up when the stair under Sam creaked. They froze, and waited. Nothing happened, so they continued their trek up the tall staircase. When they reached the second floor, they searched all of the bedrooms, but there was still no sign of Zoey.

“Only the attic is left.” Sam muttered. Emily gulped and nodded. They quietly made their way up the steep, creaky stairs to the attic. When they reached the top of the stairs, something swooped down towards them, and nearly hit Emily in the head. She almost screamed, but she put her hand over her mouth to stifle the noise. It was a bat, just a bat. Even though they carried rabies and bit people, that was no reason to panic. She drew in a shaky breath. The attic appeared to be empty, with only large pieces of furniture covered with sheets. A large black spider scurried across Emily’s foot, and she did scream. Sam clamped his hand over her mouth mid-scream. They waited, nothing happened. Sam breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sam, we have to leave. I can’t stand it up here, and she’s not here. We’ve checked all over the place.” Emily’s voice quavered.

“Maybe you’re right.” He agreed. “But where is she?” He ran a hand through his hair, and stalked over to the window, frustrated.

“I don’t know, Sam.” She was very near tears.

“Emily, come here!” He exclaimed. She joined him by the window.

“What is it?” She didn’t see what he found so interesting.

“Look, over there.” He pointed to small clearing on the Professor’s property, it appeared to have a small house sitting on it. “It’s a guest house. We need to check it out. Come on!” They hurried down the stairs, and out of the house as silently as possible. Emily followed Sam to where he had seen the mini house. They crawled towards the house, and Sam glanced through a window. He saw Zoey and the Professor arguing.

“She’s in there.” He told Emily, and they hid under the window and listened.

“You insolent girl! As Shakespeare says, ‘O proud death, what feast is toward in thine eternal cell, that thou so many princes at a shot so bloodily hast, struck?”’ They heard the Professor quote, and the sound of a slap ensued. Emily winced, he was hurting Zoey. She felt Sam cringe beside her as well. Another man’s voice sounded from the building, but they couldn’t tell who it was or what he was saying.

“There’s someone else in there.” Sam pointed out the obvious.

“I know that voice!” said Emily.

“I’ve never heard that voice before.” Sam said quietly. The two men sounded like they were arguing.

“What’s the point of this? We need to get Emily, not Zoey.” The other man yelled. Suddenly, Emily recognized the voice. It was Toby.

“Sam! That’s my boss’s nephew, Toby!” She told him in hushed whisper. The Professor screamed at Zoey again, and then slapped her, this time she moaned.

“Emily, I have to get in there, and get her out, before he does serious damage to her face. I need you to go back to the car, call Nathaniel to tell him that we found Zoey, and give him the address. Then wait for him at the car. When he get’s here you’ll need to lead him to the guest house. Can you do that?” She nodded, and hugged him good-bye.

“Be safe.” She told him, before slinking back to the car.
